June 19, 2024
Passage Read: Jeremiah 49-52
Meditation Verse: 51:5
The Lord has not forsaken Israel, though they have sinned greatly before the Lord. He has put many to death that did not repent, that refused to change their ways and worship Him alone, but He did not completely reject them. There would be a remnant return with weeping, in repentance, who would seek the Lord. He would restore a portion of their blessing, but as a whole they still wouldn't get it. They would still need rebuke, their nation would not obtain complete freedom, there would still be war and trouble in their land. God would send His Son to them and some would repent and believe, but most wouldn't. War would again come, because of their rebellion, and they would be scattered from the land, and their nation would be no more. God would preserve them as a people, but for two thousand years they would not possess their homeland.
The Lord still has not completely abandoned Israel, nor will He completely abandon Christians. Though many claim the Lord as their own yet do not care what He commands, yet He remains faithful to those who trust in Him in truth. The rest will be cast off, just as many Israelites have found themselves in torment in the grave. There is a remnant of Christians that do believe and obey the Lord, and they will enjoy His favor forever. I do not have a blanket promise that I will be saved because I prayed a prayer many years ago, especially if I do not love Him such that I honor Him by my ways and words; the Lord's promise is to His elect, who believe and are changed, who desire to know and to do His will. These He will never cast off. But those who "believe" yet care little for His ways, He is not obligated to save them.