June 1, 2022
Passage Read: Jeremiah 45-48
Meditation Verse: 46:28
Because God's people do not walk faithfully in His ways, He must discipline them. He will scatter them among the nations, sending them into exile, so it will not be a light discipline. He will discipline them with justice. Many will not survive, but a remnant will, and He will bring them back to their land. It will not be a painless discipline. But for all that, He will make a full end of the nations among which He scatters His people. Those nations that He used to discipline His people, He will completely destroy them for their own sins. As bad as His people are and as much as they need discipline, the nations have rejected the knowledge of God and refuse to humble themselves before Him.
This is similar again to the promise that judgment will begin with the House of God. Though believers have wandered from the Truth and need discipline, yet it will go even worse for those who do not know the Lord. The Church will suffer tribulation in the last days because of our apostasy, but the nations will suffer the wrath of God and be decimated. They will endure for a time so that the people of God can rule over them, but at the end of Jesus' kingdom, they will be completely destroyed from the Earth. Still I don't want to be guilty of apostasy, but would rather be among those who strengthen those who don't understand what is coming on them. There is still need of prophets today.