May 31, 2022
Passage Read: Jeremiah 41-44
Meditation Verses: 44:17-18
They remember it wrong or analyze it incorrectly because they don't understand the compassion of the Lord. While they sinned against Him, they enjoyed His mercy while He sent prophets to rebuke them and turn them from their sinful ways. When they refused to repent, God brought suffering into their lives, and if they did leave off their sinful ways, it was not in truth and only until God brought relief, as when they proclaimed freedom for their Hebrew slaves, then when Babylon withdrew, they claimed them all back as slaves again. Because of their distorted understanding, they are as hard as ever against the Lord.
Repentance is truly hard to come by. Unless the Lord has compassion and grants repentance to a soul, it is impossible for anyone to turn to the Truth. We are all blinded by the lies we believe, and those lies form the framework by which we judge even the Lord and His doings. And because they are lies, we will totally misunderstand the Lord, even accusing Him of wrong when He can do no wrong. To avoid lies, I need to believe every word from the Lord as true, then I will be able to see clearly what is happening around me. But I shouldn't be surprised when those around me refuse to believe the Truth, God has not been merciful to them to open their hearts and eyes.