Micah Bemenderfer

July 6, 2023

Passage Read: Matthew 5-6
Meditation Verse: 5:7


How do you show mercy? Because I want to be shown mercy. Surely it includes forgiving those who seek forgiveness from you. Mercy doesn't hammer someone who shows repentance and humility, but extends grace and kindness and forgiveness. But mercy also looks at those who aren't (yet?) repentant, and desires that they receive mercy rather than judgment from God, so surely it steps up and warns those people to repent, pleads and urges them to turn to God in humility and repentance. It doesn't want anyone to continue in sin and end up cast into hell. But Jesus didn't hound people to repent and believe, and He didn't teach His disciples to hound them either. So mercy doesn't fixate on one person or one location, but sees the people and places beyond and is compelled to warn them as well. Mercy is concerned with everyone, but understands that not everyone will truly seek mercy, so it can't linger with those who show no interest in receiving mercy.


If I really have mercy toward people, then I want to forgive them and I want them to be forgiven. I want them to break with the things that bring wrath (God's or man's just wrath) and seek the things that bring peace with God and men. If I ignore people, if I don't bother to warn them, don't care enough to warn them, how can I think I will receive mercy?