Micah Bemenderfer

July 30, 2022

Passage Read: Luke 5-6
Meditation Verse: 6:17


There are three kinds of people here, all eager to learn from Jesus. There is the Twelve, whom He just appointed apostles from the rest of His disciples. There is also the crowd of His disciples, those who were not chosen as apostles, but who spent much time following Him. And there were the rest of the people, a great multitude, who came to hear Him and to be healed of diseases. So there are at least three groups of learners: the inner circle of disciples, the larger crowd of disciples and the rest of the hearers. Not all have the same level of dedication or the same level of learning. Many might go out to teach and serve in Jesus' name, without having been commissioned, but most might do little but come to hear Him.


Of course, I want to be like the inner circle, who know Jesus best. But I also need to recognize that not ever believer will be chosen for such a place. Some will be eager to learn but not give as much time, yet still obey as best they understand. Many others will come to hear and see the miraculous, but will not be set apart or serve as much. Disciples are not all called to be apostles. Not all who listen to Jesus' teachings are committed disciples. So there should be at least three kinds of people in the Church, and I should encourage all to grow deeper, but not be surprised when most do not.