Micah Bemenderfer

July 3, 2023

Passage Read: Malachi 1-4
Meditation Verse: 2:17


There is so much in this book about dishonoring the Lord. People and priest treat Him with contempt in so many ways. Behind it all is a lack of fear of Him. In this verse, they say that God doesn't care about the wicked and accuse Him of accepting them as good, or they ask where is the God of Justice? He doesn't punish the wicked right away; they endure and prosper, and so everyone figures it's safe to disregard God's Word. God either won't do anything or else He doesn't even exist. And it weighs on God, tires Him, wearies Him. How many times does He have to judge them before they just learn to trust and obey His Word? He takes no delight in destroying the wicked; He would much rather have them repent and live! Why do people have to be so stubborn and rebellious? Can't they just do what God commands? Is it really so hard? Are His commands really so distasteful?


It is most tragic and frustrating when those who claim to love and honor Him disregard His Word. Israel was supposed to be a model nation, through which all other nations would come to know God's goodness and wisdom and glory. But they wouldn't follow His instruction, so they became a model of the wrath of God, and gave God a reputation for being angry. People were so foolish; they only see what they want to see, which is usually to miss their own wrong and see the wrong in others. I don't want to frustrate the Lord by seeing Him in the worst possible light, by making Him out to be the bad guy and justifying men, or even myself. He is good and patient and wants all men to be saved. People are the stupid and evil ones, me included. So I need to honor the Lord by doing whatever He asks, knowing that He is good in all He does and asks.