July 29, 2023
Passage Read: Luke 7-8
Meditation Verses: 7:37-38
This woman is pretty amazing. She had led a sinful life and everyone knew it--everyone knew her sin. Yet she was willing to come to where Jesus was, knowing there were many people there. And she humbled herself to so great a degree, weeping at Jesus' feet, wiping them, kissing them and anointing them with perfume--making such a spectacle of herself! And surely not only Simon, but many people were thinking what Simon was thinking. But she was oblivious to that, and Jesus honored her repentance and faith, granting her forgiveness.
How many of us would do such a thing? Who wants to draw attention to themselves, especially if they had lived a sinful life, the kind that everyone knows about and everyone looks down on you for? Oh to have this kind of love for Jesus, this kind of appreciation for all He has done for me. To abandon my "dignity" and be able to shamefully (in the eyes of others; shamelessly in my own eyes) weep at His feet, to be so grateful for His forgiveness, so utterly repentant over my sins.