Micah Bemenderfer

July 27, 2024

Passage Read: Matthew 7-8
Meditation Verses: 8:18-23


Jesus doesn't wait around for people to come and learn from Him. He didn't open a school and stay put for years so that any one willing could come and learn from Him. Neither did He follow around some guys that wanted to be trained by Him. He kept on the move so as to increase the cost of learning from Him. No one could be fooled by those who spent some time with Jesus as compared to those who gave up their livelihoods to follow and learn from Jesus. There was no question that the men who abandoned their lives and followed Jesus were the true experts in what He taught. Today, though, we don't know who to trust, who has really learned the truth about Jesus, but we listen to and learn from all kinds of people, and we have no way to know who's right!


We do have a way, though. The Bible tells us everything God wanted us to know about Him and how He wanted us to live. If we're familiar with the Word of God and all God asks of us, then we can know who has given up more to follow Jesus, who has given up their lives to know Jesus, who lives and acts most like Jesus. It's not just about setting aside a few years to study His Words, but who has actually given up their livelihoods to walk as Jesus walked. There should be a clear difference between those who gave up their own desires and lives to follow and serve Jesus. Those who really know Jesus are those who have given up everything to walk in His ways and pursue His kingdom. Anyone else is still learning, at best, or a fraud, at worst. Truly knowing Jesus means giving up my wants and wishes and hopes and dreams in order to live out His teachings and His heart.