July 23, 2022
Passage Read: Mark 7-8
Meditation Verse: 8:17
How often do I not understand because I have hardened my heart? Jesus is constantly teaching me through His Word, but am I listening? Am I willing to hear? There are things hidden because I'm not ready to understand them, I'm not mature enough, I haven't practiced enough to be ready to receive greater understanding. But how often do I refuse to hear a message, because of my hardened heart? Am I willing to hear anything the Lord wants to say to me, or am I only willing to hear certain things?
In the case of the pharaoh of the Exodus, Scripture says he hardened his own heart, but the Lord also hardened his heart, because the Lord intended to show His power through him. I don't want to be that guy! I don't want to harden my own heart so that I can't understand the Lord's Word to me! The only guard against such hardness is humility, a willingness to hear whatever the Lord desires to say to me, no matter how hard.