July 22, 2024
Passage Read: Zechariah 7-10
Meditation Verses: 8:16-17
Before God sent Israel into exile and now, His desire for them has been the same: that they would speak truthfully to one another and judge all things truthfully and fairly, that no one would plot evil against his neighbor and no one lie under oath to harm a neighbor. His instruction has always been to do good to one another according to what He calls good, to be fair and treat each other as we ourselves desire to be treated. He has not changed; that is still His command to His people, that we genuinely care for one another and treat each other fairly and honestly.
I may want to simply live my own life and be kind to everyone I meet, to do them no harm, and hope that satisfies God's desire for me. But I am also required to speak truth to them, which would include warning them to believe in Jesus and turn from their sinful ways. It would include warning them against behaviors and actions that offend the Lord, because I care that they don't know the Lord or walk in His ways, and I care that their behavior is harming others. Even if I work at knowing as little as possible about others, I'm still obligated to tell them about Jesus, our need to repent of going our own ways and to believe and obey Jesus.