Micah Bemenderfer

July 19, 2024

Passage Read: Habakkuk 3 - Zephaniah 3
Meditation Verses: Zephaniah 3:11-13


Israel will one day dwell with the Lord and feel no shame over their rebellious deeds, because all the proud and arrogant people, who delighted in their rebellion, will be removed from their midst. There will only be the humble and lowly left, the kind of people who are not clever at inventing ways, but who only seek to know the Lord's way and do it. Because they are humble and teachable and eager to do the Lord's will, they will do no wrong and tell no lies, and the Lord will protect them and they will live in peace. The humble are already the kind of people who seek to do God's will, they are the righteous because of their humility and fear of the Lord, their delight and honor for Him. So they probably had no reason to be ashamed of their own deeds, though neither were they proud, but more likely, they were ashamed of the deeds and evil and arrogance of their neighbors who didn't fear the Lord. So the Lord was pleased to save them and bring them into His land to enjoy His favor forever. And with the arrogant gone from their midst, there is no longer anyone left to embarrass them and make them ashamed to be called one people with them.


The world has no respect for those who are humble and submissive. They delight in power and independence and cleverness to see through stupid rules. They delight in independent thinkers, whom they deem very intelligent. They look up to such people, and they gladly follow them in their rebellion. But the Lord delights in those who humble themselves before Him, who acknowledge that the Lord truly loves them and has only good ways, righteous ways, and who don't try to outsmart the Lord, who don't think Him a fool, but trust that He only has their good in mind, in all He commands. These are the people He will exalt and delight to dwell with. But those who are offended by the notion of submission to God through the ages, these will be cut off and no longer embarrass the righteous by their foolish arrogance and sinful ways. I would rather be considered weak and stupid by the strong and rebellious than miss out on all the goodness of God. I don't have to be smart or clever and find ways around God's word or His commands. I would do better to simply trust and obey all He says, even if it makes me seem like a fool to the world. The world and its ways will pass away, only to be remembered by the smoke of their torment rising continually.