Micah Bemenderfer

July 18, 2022

Passage Read: Matthew 25-26
Meditation Verses: 26:31-34


Jesus warned that they all would be offended in Jesus and fall away that night, yet He also spoke of meeting them in Galilee. It was a discouraging word, but followed by a hopeful word. But instead of hearing, accepting and processing what Jesus said, which was an important warning, Peter specifically was actually offended by Jesus' word! He protested instead of hearing what Jesus said and making preparations. Jesus isn't making suggestions, but saying what will indeed happen. It must, or else Scripture would be broken. Yet, there is the hint that if they had responded differently to this warning, they might have responded differently to what happened. If they had taken to heart that they would be offended, they could have asked how and made preparations, specifically, they could have seriously prayed with Jesus in the garden against falling prey to temptation. But they didn't, and Jesus' word and Scripture remained unbroken.


What Jesus says about me, what God says about people, their weaknesses and failings, I need to understand that I am entirely susceptible to those same things. If I think I would never do such a thing, I deny the wisdom of God and set myself up for failure. But if I acknowledge that God knows what He's taking about, then I know what things I need to actively guard against, and I can even make preparations in prayer to stand against those temptations. It is entirely unhelpful to be offended by God's Word and deny that what He warns could ever happen to me, that shows I think too highly of myself and not highly enough of God. God is far wiser than me, He knows me better than I know myself. If He says I will be offended in Him, it is true; if I don't want to fall away, I need to recognize that I will be offended in Him, but prepare in advance to overcome my feeling of offense and choose Jesus, His will and His ways, in spite of my offense. That's actually what Jesus prayed in the garden: "Is there any way to avoid drinking this cup? If not, let Your will be done."