Micah Bemenderfer

July 16, 2024

Passage Read: Micah 1-4
Meditation Verses: 2:6-7


How badly we misunderstand God. We are no better than Israel and Judah at this time. A true prophet speaks, and we say, "Silence! Do not say such things! That's not what the Lord is like!" But if we silence the prophets who show us our sins, how will there be repentance? How will the reproach coming our way be turned back? There will only be death and destruction coming our way. In truth, God's Spirit is impatient with sin! God has given us who trust in Christ everything we need to live a holy life, but we keep pursuing the world and the desires of our flesh. His word to us, even though it makes us ashamed of our sin and uncomfortable because it exposes our rebellion, His Word does good to those who listen to it. It is the rebellious, those unwilling to repent, who hate to hear the necessary, painful words of God, who only want to hear the happy words, who rebuke the prophet and accuse him of misrepresenting God.


It is crazy to me, how quick we are to admit we are sinners but unwilling to do anything about it. As if Jesus's death and resurrection made it fine for us to continue to live in sin! We mock His suffering and victory when we refuse to take seriously His hated of sin and the lengths He went through to free us from it. It is frighting to see believers choosing only to listen to the happy words of God, and accusing those who bring warning of misrepresenting God. Those who refuse to let the prophet speak are the ones who don't understand God, and who are in fact fighting against God's good Word and purposes for us. God wants to do us good, but we must turn and walk in His ways. He will not reward me for continuing to live in sin; I must listen to His painful words of rebuke and change my ways if I actually want to enjoy the good promises He has made to His people.