Micah Bemenderfer

July 10, 2023

Passage Read: Matthew 13-14
Meditation Verse: 13:19


We talk about sowing seeds in the heart of unbelievers, but according to Jesus, anyone who hears and doesn't believe, Satan snatched the seed from him. So there is no seed left in their heart to water and tend in the hope of it eventually springing to life. That's not how it works, according to this parable. Someone who hears and doesn't understand requires the seed to be scattered upon them again and again, because Satan keeps snatching it away. But the ability of the seed to send out root and grow depends more on the condition of the soil, which we're no where called to tend, except in our own hearts. This is a reason why Jesus says to go on to the next person or town when the present person or town refuses to receive the Gospel.


The kind of sowing Jesus is talking about is more broad, like public preaching. But even going from person to person, it is the same result: The one who hears but doesn't understand, doesn't respond in belief, is the one from whom Satan snatches the seed as soon as it's sown. That person can't believe in his present state. Only if the Lord changes his heart can that person believe. If it's someone I come in contact with frequently, I can periodically check on them by bringing up the Gospel again, but Jesus doesn't indicate here that I should work on the soil of their heart in order to help the Gospel take root. I am powerless to change their state; only God can do that, apparently.