January 9, 2024
Passage Read: Deuteronomy 28-31
Meditation Verse: 31:21
The people were already developing their plans for rebellion, before the Lord even brought them into the land. Yet the Lord still brought them in. He intended to do good to them and prosper them, and let them go astray, as a testimony to them and to the world. He couldn't keep delaying, He couldn't start all over again with a new people. They would go astray; He would turn away from them. He would eventually drive them out of the land; they would repent and return in a little more obedience. He would send His Son as sacrifice; they would kill Him, and He would scatter them far and wide among the nations. But one day they would return in truth and faithfulness, then all the world would see the goodness of the Lord in all its fullness.
The Lord knows the evil I'm planning even while I seek to honor Him. He does me good, knowing I'm a deceiver. But He is not deceived, and He will bring my sin against me. Better to truly renounce all falsehood, especially the false love which I use to hide my true evil intent. Repent of the lies. Let there be nothing in my heart but true dedication to the Lord, so that there is nothing He needs to reveal and punish.