Micah Bemenderfer

January 5, 2024

Passage Read: Deuteronomy 12-15
Meditation Verses: 13:3-11


The Lord desires His people to love Him more than even other people, even members of their own family. So if even a son or daughter, a wife or husband should counsel rebellion against the Lord, encourage worship of another God, the faithful follower of God should make the matter known and be the first in casting a stone to execute them. We cannot love people more than we love God. We cannot love sibling or parent or child or spouse or anyone else more than we love God, and we're called to be wholly devoted to Him. And the Lord is willing to test our devotion to Him by allowing someone we care deeply for to turn away from Him and counsel rebellion against Him.


It's pretty clear here what the Lord requires of those who love Him. While I don't have to worry about taking part in executing someone I care for, I do need to be willing to cut off fellowship with them, as a warning to them, in hope that they will repent. But this shows how serious God is, how jealous He is, and how much of my heart He wants. I can love nothing more than I love Him, and anything that comes between me and my obedience and honor of Him and His Word needs to be cast out of my life.