January 31, 2024
Passage Read: 1 Samuel 21-24
Meditation Verse: 22:8
Saul was speaking lies about David and later about the priests who helped David without knowing what was going on. Neither David nor the priests had a platform to defend themselves, though the priests tried. Yet it was to no avail. Though Saul's Israelite men refused to kill the priests, yet a foreigner in Saul's service was more than willing to do it. There was no way for David to defend his reputation, but by a few acts of mercy towards Saul. Saul controlled the narrative, so David could only flee.
There are times where there is no way to defend myself against the lies of others. They control public opinion. Since there's no way to defend myself, all I can do is continue walking in obedience to the Lord and wait patiently for Him to reveal the truth. Hopefully, my life will show the lies to be lies.