Micah Bemenderfer

January 29, 2024

Passage Read: 1 Samuel 17-20
Meditation Verses: 17:26-28


Speaking what is true about the Lord and about how we can and should trust Him can make others jealous, especially when they don't have the same faith. David knew God would be with the man who stood up to Goliath, who mocked the Lord and Israel. But no one else seemed to have that same confidence or faith. Eliab his brother took personal offense at David's words, convicted but unwilling to step up in faith. So instead, he insulted David and accused him of dereliction of duty toward his sheep. Yet David recognized he did nothing wrong, so he asked the next man, until his bold words came to the ears of the king.


There are many who do not have faith, or do not have strong faith. I feel weak myself in so many ways. But David trusted in God and had the confidence to boast in the Lord, and the confidence to follow through. He trusted his own life and ability to the Lord. Yet that convicted some who lacked his same faith. That didn't make David wrong, but those who lacked faith should have spent some time searching their hearts. I should never be afraid to speak up for what is true and right about God, even though I know others may be offended by it. Let them be offended; they need the wake-up call. And may I have the faith to follow through and act on the truth!