Micah Bemenderfer

January 22, 2024

Passage Read: Judges 18-21
Meditation Verses: 19:29-30


There are so many problems with this story that no one in it seems aware of; it perfectly illustrates the moral lostness of the nation at this time. The Levite apparently had no normal wife, so he buys a slave to make her his concubine. She plays the harlot against him, which means she committed adultery, then flees back to her home in Bethlehem. Instead of seeking her death and the death of whomever she sinned with, in accordance with the law, he eventually goes to her home and tries to win her back. Noble, forgiving. But the father, is he playing games? Is he trying to put the Levite off and keep his daughter? Does he sense something wrong? Eventually the Levite takes his concubine and leaves, only to be caught at nightfall near Gibeah, a city of the Canaanites. And the Benjaminites who live there have learned some of the wicked practices of the Canaanites. They want to violate the Levite, but the Levite gives his concubine to them and they rape her all night long, till she dies at the doorway of the house where her master is staying. It's no wonder there was no quick victory against Benjamin, God must punish them, but the rest of Israel is no paragon of virtue. They all need discipline; they've all been unfaithful to Him, and they don't seem to be aware of it. They have some basic moral sense, but no clue what God really desires of them.


The Lord cannot freely honor those who know so little about Him, when they're supposed to know His Law and His ways so well. Again and again in Judges, He has given them over to their enemies. Here He gives them over to their own moral rot. They nearly decimate Benjamin because the Benjaminites refuse to hand over the men of Gibeah. Israel suffered catastrophic losses against Benjamin because the whole nation is morally corrupt. I must not be surprised that the Lord withdraws His blessing from our nation and from our churches, as we slide further and further into moral anarchy. His people are losing their grip on true righteousness, so how can He bless our nation? Unless we repent, we will see less and less of His goodness as He gives us over to our fleshly cravings and the fruit of our sin. I need to draw nearer and nearer to His Word, and conform my understanding of right and wrong to His command. I don't decide what is good and right; God tells me what is good and right, and I must believe and obey.