January 11, 2024
Passage Read: Joshua 2-5
Meditation Verses: 2:10-13
The only right response to the news that the Lord is coming to claim the land is to humble yourself and plead for your life, and to serve the servants of God in whatever way you can. This is also the gospel message, that the Lord is returning to claim His world and to establish His King to rule over everything and everyone, so that the world and everyone in it does His will. Those who humble themselves and plead for their lives and submit themselves to this new king will be spared and allowed to remain in the land.
The Gospel I preach needs to be along these lines, that God is ready to reclaim His world and to destroy all sinners, but He would rather they repent and accept Him as King. He has provided means whereby their rebellion and sin can be atoned for and forgiven, and they can be made worthy of partaking in His kingdom. But the call is not primarily to forgiveness, but to submission to the King, beginning now. Forgiveness is necessary for entrance into the kingdom, and to make way for the King's Spirit to dwell within and instruct and empower the receiver to walk in the King's ways. We are not worthy to enter His kingdom, but are the rebels that need to be cleansed from the land to make way for His holy kingdom! As a Gospel herald, we announce the coming of the King and His kingdom, and we issue the invitation to submit to and receive this coming King as their own, to repent, believe and be saved so that they can be a part of this righteous kingdom rather than destroyed when He arrives.