Micah Bemenderfer

January 10, 2024

Passage Read: Deuteronomy 32 - Joshua 1
Meditation Verses: Deuteronomy 32:19-21


We are the Lord's people and possession, but when we ignore His word and go our own way, He is provoked to anger. He withdraws from us, withdraws His protection and care, and leaves us to weather whatever comes our way. God does not protect us when we will not follow His commands and trust His wisdom. His commands and instruction are part of His protection, so when we ignore them, when we think we're wiser than Him, we lose out on His protection and blessing. He cannot bless us when we refuse to believe and obey Him; He cannot reward sin or encourage folly! So He gives those He loves over to discipline, in order that they discover how much better it is to walk in obedience to God rather than spurn Him.


It is a good sign to be disciplined by the Lord; because it means we belong to Him, He still claims us. But it is a dangerous game to play, disobeying Him to see if He will discipline us. I don't want to provoke the Lord to wrath; I want to continually enjoy His favor. Because the danger in continuing in sin is that He will withdraw His protection permanently, and I will be lost to eternity.