Micah Bemenderfer

February 8, 2024

Passage Read: 2 Samuel 22 - 1 Kings 1
Meditation Verses: 2 Samuel 22:17-20


It's interesting how David sees his own life, especially in contrast to Jacob. Jacob endured a number of hard things, some because of his own choices, though not necessarily because he did wrong. Yet at age 130, he told Pharaoh that his days were few and evil. David lived about half as long, and suffered many things, some because of his own sin, yet he rejoices in God's graciousness, kindness and deliverance. Jacob saw the pain he had endured and it eclipsed the peace and times of joy, which surely he had. David saw the Lord's kindness in delivering him from all his trials. David had the benefit of knowing the Lord better because of the revelation of the Law; perhaps it was this and his dedication to seeking to obey the Lord which gave him this greater confidence and joy and understanding of the Lord and His involvement in his life.


Knowing the Lord by seeking Him through His Word and living to obey and honor Him seem like the right path to peace with all that comes in life. Having that confidence and assurance that he has done what is good and right in the eyes of the Lord, that he is blessed by the Lord according to his obedience and righteousness, that confidence allows David to view his life not as a string tragedies but as continual deliverances, and himself as one favored by the Lord, not cursed by Him. That confidence is something I want to attain to.