Micah Bemenderfer

February 7, 2024

Passage Read: 2 Samuel 18-21
Meditation Verses: 19:6-7


Joab warned David that he was shaming his servants by weeping over Absalom. If he didn't speak kindly to those who risked their lives for him and his household, they would all be gone by morning and he would be left alone. He had sent them out and they did do his bidding. They loved him more than their own lives, so he owed them gratitude. He owed them his life, though it seems he would rather be dead than Absalom. But he knew Joab was right, and so he went out to speak kindly to the men.


I have to be able to show gratitude, even when the results hurt. David's men did exactly what was expected of them; they did no wrong, but because Absalom was killed in the process, David lost sight of his men and their loyalty and bravery. His mourning for Absalom wasn't wrong, but he was sending the wrong message to those who were faithful to him. He needed to assure those who served him that he was grateful for their service.