Micah Bemenderfer

February 6, 2024

Passage Read: 2 Samuel 14-17
Meditation Verse: 16:8


This is a great example that people see what they want to see and freely ascribe to the Lord what they want to be true. The text tells us why these things happened to David, and it had nothing to do with the house of Saul, whom David had only honored, not attacked. But people see what they want to see, Shimei's bitterness blinded him. He hates David and saw this as punishment from the Lord for David's rebellion and usurping of Saul's throne. It was the Lord who determined to replace Saul with David. If one can believe what is written. But people will say that the victor writes the history, so of course Scripture justifies David, not Saul. That could be true, if God was not the author of Scripture.


I'm not free to interpret Scripture, and even less so, circumstances, according to my desire or wish. There are many interpretations of both Scripture and happenings that men will put forward, but there are motivations behind each one that drive the conclusion. I have to search my own heart to root out my own hidden motives as I read Scripture or evaluate events. I want to know God and His purposes, not use Him or His word to justify my own wishes. The more I can discern and account for my own motives, the closer I can get to a correct understanding of God's revelation.