Micah Bemenderfer

February 19, 2024

Passage Read: 2 Kings 12-15
Meditation Verse: 14:10


It is so easy to give way to pride. Amaziah had success against Edom, then thought he could take on Israel. Perhaps he thought God was with him to bless whatever he decided to do, but that wasn't the case. When he insisted on facing Israel, he was humiliated and Judah suffered for it. It is not the job of a leader to show off his own might or superiority. It is his job to do what is best in the eyes of the Lord for his people. Amaziah was apparently motivated more by pride than the good of the people, so the Lord let him suffer great defeat at the hands of Israel. God isn't with us in whatever we do, but He's with us when we do His will.


I always need to understand clearly all that God wants me to do, for Him and for those entrusted to me, then I can be confident in His help. If I think I'm something significant and want to show that off, chances are very good that I'm out from under God's blessing, and whatever I attempt will fall flat. But if I seek to exalt Him and do His will, I can be confident in His help and blessing. I'm a servant of God, and I always need to remember that. He blesses what I do in obedience to Him, not whatever I do because I think He's always on my side. If I'm doing what He doesn't want me doing, I cannot count on His blessing.