February 15, 2024
Passage Read: 1 Kings 18-21
Meditation Verse: 21:29
It is hard to tell whether Ahab himself is so evil or is it all his wife? He seems like such a child at times, vexed and sullen, pouting on his bed. Every now and then he seems like a king, but so often he doesn't. His wife, however, is very decisive and quick to action, though very cruel. She doesn't hesitate to condemn innocent men and kill them. Then here, Ahab humbles himself and the Lord decides to delay His condemnation of Ahab and his family. Yet, God holds Ahab responsible, even if it is all because of his wife.
There is no excuse before God for doing evil. It doesn't matter who encourages or causes it, I am responsible for my choices and the choices of my wife. If I sin personally or she sins on my behalf, the Lord will require it from my hand. So I must not accept benefit from her sin, neither should I allow her to sin against God.