Micah Bemenderfer

Devotions from Revelation

11 devotions

November 6, 2023

Passage Read: Revelation 1-2 Meditation Verse: 2:5 For all their purity of doctrine and alertness to false teachers, the Ephesian church was not perfect. They had lost their first love and the fervent deeds that came with it. Jesus didn't establish His church merely to…

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November 7, 2023

Passage Read: Revelation 3-4 Meditation Verses: 4:8-11 In my flesh, I think, "How boring it would be to spend eternity repeating the same thing over and over again, and bowing down and getting up just to do it all over again in a few minutes."…

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November 9, 2023

Passage Read: Revelation 5-6 Meditation Verse: 5:5 Jesus triumphed and so is worthy to open the scroll. How did He triumph? According to the songs that follow, He triumphed by giving His life to purchase men for God from every tribe and language and people…

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November 10, 2023

Passage Read: Revelation 7-8 Meditation Verse: 7:14 These came through the great tribulation in faithfulness to Jesus. They survived, they washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white. They did not love their lives so much as to shrink from…

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November 11, 2023

Passage Read: Revelation 9-10 Meditation Verse: 10:4 Not everything has been revealed, and I need to be OK with that. The Lord knows exactly what He's doing and plans to do, and I need to trust Him and obey what He has revealed. He is…

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November 12, 2023

Passage Read: Revelation 11-12 Meditation Verse: 12:11 The only way to overcome the devil and his hatred of believers is by the blood of Christ, by our testimony and by not loving our life so much as to shrink from death for Christ's sake. The…

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November 13, 2023

Passage Read: Revelation 13-14 Meditation Verse: 13:5 The Antichrist receives authority over all mankind only for forty-two months! During that time, he blasphemes God, he makes successful war on the saints, rules over all the nations, because all people who aren't recorded in the Book…

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November 14, 2023

Passage Read: Revelation 15-16 Meditation Verses: 16:9-11 Three times in this chapter of the seven last plagues of God's wrath men curse God and refuse to repent. They refuse to admit they were wrong, even as God pours out His wrath on them, proving they…

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November 16, 2023

Passage Read: Revelation 17-18 Meditation Verse: 18:20 A day is coming when the saints and apostles and prophets will rejoice over the destruction of those who hated them. All heaven will rejoice over the destruction of Babylon, and the saints, apostles and prophets will do…

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November 17, 2023

Passage Read: Revelation 19-20 Meditation Verses: 20:1-3 Satan is so easily captured and bound: One angel and a chain. He could be removed so easily, if God desired. But he has a part to play, deceiving the nations. When he is imprisoned, he will not…

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November 18, 2023

Passage Read: Revelation 21-22 Meditation Verses: 22:11-12 God lets everyone choose their path, but He decides the result. He is coming with His reward. For those who are vile, for those who do wrong, there will be suffering and torment for eternity. If that's the…

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