November 6, 2022
Passage Read: Revelation 9-10
Meditation Verses: 9:5-6
These locust have power to torment men for five months, and though the men seek death, they cannot find it. They will not be able to kill themselves! But then the angels and their armies will be released and kill a third of mankind, what remains at that point. This is amazing to me, that God so fully controls life and death, that when men try to take their lives, they fail! They cannot die until God is ready to kill them. They have an eternity in hell, but God will not let them depart for five months, no matter what they try. After that, He'll send angels and a terrifying army to give a third of mankind what they were seeking. Truly horrible!
Men need to be warned that rejecting God is disaster! They may not repent and believe, but how can I not warn them? Yet at the same time, it seems so hard to get started. How do you strike up a conversation? It seems public proclamation is so much easier. Yet it's also not just warning about these end times events, there is much worse waiting for those who refuse to believe that Jesus is the Christ and God hates sin. There is eternity in the lake of fire! How do I go through my days not warning people? How do I warn them as I go through my days? Lord, what would you have me do?