November 4, 2022
Passage Read: Revelation 5-6
Meditation Verses: 5:9-10
This song is apparently sung by the four living creatures and the elders, and they sing that the Lamb purchased "us" for God out of every tribe and made "us" kings and priests to God to reign over the earth. The four living creatures do not appear to be men, but the elders could be, since they're never really described. This song implies that at least the elders are men, but surely they're not from every tribe, unless all people on earth can be folded into 24 tribes. Are they speaking as representatives of mankind? They cannot be angelic beings if they claim to be redeemed from earth by the blood of Jesus.
I can understand how the elders could be taken from among men, but not the four living creatures. It would make sense to put men who have been in the presence of God for a long time in charge of all the earth, especially men who know what it means to worship God at all times. What I can learn from this is to be prepared to worship the Lord as these elders do, because they or men like them will one day lead the nations to walk in God's ways and glorify Him as He deserves.