Devotions from Isaiah
51 devotions
May 4, 2022
Passage Read: Song of Solomon 7 - Isaiah 2 Meditation Verse: Isaiah 2:3 This is what God intends, this is what He plans, that His ways and His laws are taught throughout the land and all people walk in His ways. So why don't we…
Continue reading...May 5, 2022
Passage Read: Isaiah 3-6 Meditation Verse: 6:13 The remnant, the holy seed of Israel and Judah will be just a tenth part, like a tithe of the people. Though they be as numerous as the sand on the seashore or like the stars in number,…
Continue reading...May 6, 2022
Passage Read: Isaiah 7-10 Meditation Verse: 10:20 The people of Israel and Judah were more impressed by those who overthrew them than by the Lord. They trusted in men and their might more than they trusted in the Lord. When a foreign power defeated them…
Continue reading...May 7, 2022
Passage Read: Isaiah 11-14 Meditation Verses: 14:1-2 Part of the promise to Israel is to restore them to their land, to gather them from all the nations. In fact, the nations shall bring them back to their homeland, delivering them back to their homes. And…
Continue reading...May 8, 2022
Passage Read: Isaiah 15-18 Meditation Verses: 18:1-3 The nations will plot together against the Lord, they will gather together against Him. They will encourage themselves and seek aid from each other. They think their numbers and weapons of war will be sufficient against the Lord.
Continue reading...May 9, 2022
Passage Read: Isaiah 19-22 Meditation Verses: 22:11-14 The Lord brought trouble on Judah and Jerusalem, but they didn't look to Him to understand what was happening. They did all they could think of to hold off the attackers, then feasted, thinking their end was at…
Continue reading...May 10, 2022
Passage Read: Isaiah 23-26 Meditation Verses: 25:2-3 The strong understand strength and power, and when the Lord exercises His might, then they honor and glorify Him. They do not respect what they perceive as weakness, but when the Lord overthrows cities that seem untouchable, they…
Continue reading...May 11, 2022
Passage Read: Isaiah 27-30 Meditation Verses: 30:9-11 Lord, surely there are still people who desire to know You and live by Your Word. They seem so few and far between. Who seeks You from Your whole counsel? Or have I gone astray? Do I think…
Continue reading...May 12, 2022
Passage Read: Isaiah 31-34 Meditation Verses: 32:17-18 "The work of righteousness shall be peace, the service of righteousness shall be quietness and peace forever." Oh to be there already. To already be in a peaceful home and safe dwelling and a secure resting place. How…
Continue reading...May 13, 2022
Passage Read: Isaiah 35-38 Meditation Verse: 38:15 The Lord said that Hezekiah would die, and Hezekiah pleaded with the Lord to remember his faithfulness and dedication to Him. Hezekiah would have been safe if he had died at that point, but he may not have…
Continue reading...May 14, 2022
Passage Read: Isaiah 39-42 Meditation Verses: 40:6-8 Men and all their "goodness" are but like grass and the flowers of the field. The Lord has to but blow on them and they are gone. Yet His Word stands forever. Men come and go and their…
Continue reading...May 15, 2022
Passage Read: Isaiah 43-46 Meditation Verses: 45:20-22 Multiple times, God has contrasted Himself with the idols of the nations. He is about to send His people into captivity. They have consorted with idols and will then be surrounded by people who worship idols. Those so-called…
Continue reading...May 16, 2022
Passage Read: Isaiah 47-50 Meditation Verse: 50:10 Even if I walk in darkness and have no light, I need to continue to fear the Lord and obey His Son. If I trust in the Lord and lean on His guidance, I will be safe and…
Continue reading...May 17, 2022
Passage Read: Isaiah 51-54 Meditation Verse: 54:17 The inheritance of the servants of the Lord is that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, and every tongue that rises to condemn us, we will condemn. And our righteousness will not be our own, but will…
Continue reading...May 18, 2022
Passage Read: Isaiah 55-58 Meditation Verse: 58:2 God is not mocked, He is not fooled. He knows who truly desires to do His will and who only wants to make a show of obedience. He saw through Israel's "seeking" of Him, their asking for judgments,…
Continue reading...May 19, 2022
Passage Read: Isaiah 59-62 Meditation Verses: 59:14-16 There was no righteousness, no justice, no truth in the land. Indeed, the three stayed away from the land and the people. They were not welcome and they stayed back, because the people wanted nothing to do with…
Continue reading...May 20, 2022
Passage Read: Isaiah 63-66 Meditation Verse: 66:5 Those who tremble at God's Word, it is their own brothers who hate them and drive them out in God's name. They say God is glorified by their driving out of those who fear the Lord, but the…
Continue reading...May 2, 2023
Passage Read: Song of Solomon 7 - Isaiah 2 Meditation Verses: Isaiah 1:27-28 Thought The penitent ones will be redeemed with righteousness, but the rebels and sinners will be broken and will perish. This is why the Gospel begins with "repent." We still need to…
Continue reading...May 3, 2023
Passage Read: Isaiah 3-6 Meditation Verses: 5:4-6 Thought When His vineyard failed to produce good fruit after all He had done to help it succeed, the Lord determined to break down the protecting wall He had built so that it would be trampled. He decided…
Continue reading...May 4, 2023
Passage Read: Isaiah 7-10 Meditation Verse: 10:15 Thought Much like last night, reading 1 Corinthians, here again is the same idea: Those used by God to carry out His wrath and punishment should not become proud, as though they raised themselves up to such a…
Continue reading...May 5, 2023
Passage Read: Isaiah 11-14 Meditation Verses: 14:9-11 Thought It doesn't matter how high and exalted anyone becomes, they all end up in the same place: the grave. I can become high and mighty, but at death, I'll become as weak and impotent as all who…
Continue reading...May 6, 2023
Passage Read: Isaiah 15-18 Meditation Verse: 16:6 Thought Pride is no defense against the Lord, especially when that pride is in self. A people may have even accomplished much and done great things, but if they do not acknowledge the Lord, if they really think…
Continue reading...May 7, 2023
Passage Read: Isaiah 19-22 Meditation Verses: 22:12-13 Thought When trouble comes, we should cry out to the Lord with repentance, we should fast and humble ourselves before the Lord, that He might have pity and compassion on us. In this instance, instead of seeking the…
Continue reading...May 8, 2023
Passage Read: Isaiah 23-26 Meditation Verse: 26:10 Thought Though they experience grace, they do not recognize or appreciate it. They think all good happens to them because they are pretty awesome. Their pride blinds them to the kindness they are actually experiencing. They think it's…
Continue reading...May 9, 2023
Passage Read: Isaiah 27-30 Meditation Verses: 30:9-10 Thought It is a dangerous thing to refuse the message of prophets and demand messages of peace and pleasant things. Isaiah calls them illusions! If all I want to hear are pleasant words, words of peace and love,…
Continue reading...May 10, 2023
Passage Read: Isaiah 31-34 Meditation Verses: 33:14-16 Thought Sinners are dismayed and the godless afraid; the Lord is like an unquenchable fire to them, something to be terrified by. But those who do what is right, who love justice and do righteousness, to them, the…
Continue reading...May 11, 2023
Passage Read: Isaiah 35-38 Meditation Verse: 37:21 Thought The Lord answers Hezekiah's prayer, saying, "Because you have prayed to me about Sennacherib...." Because Hezekiah didn't just panic and fret, but because he had sense enough to take his fear and concern over this threat to…
Continue reading...May 12, 2023
Passage Read: Isaiah 39-42 Meditation Verse: 42:16 Thought Those who don't know the Lord or His ways are as blind as can be. But the Lord is willing to lead those who are blind, but He will lead them in New paths, paths they have…
Continue reading...May 13, 2023
Passage Read: Isaiah 43-46 Meditation Verses: 43:22-24 Thought The Lord is so good to us; He provides all we need and helps us obtain even things we want. He takes care of us, gives us life, allows us to enjoy our days. And how do…
Continue reading...May 14, 2023
Passage Read: Isaiah 47-50 Meditation Verse: 50:10 Thought Again a blindness illustration: Those who walk in darkness, who cannot see, long for light. They will either accept the light of the Lord or create their own. Those who create their own, who decide for themselves…
Continue reading...May 15, 2023
Passage Read: Isaiah 51-54 Meditation Verses: 51:7-8 Thought I must not fear the mocking or insults of men, because those who are unwilling to humble themselves before the Lord will be doomed to destruction. They may insult believers now, but they will perish with none…
Continue reading...May 16, 2023
Passage Read: Isaiah 55-58 Meditation Verse: 57:10 Thought It is possible even for the wicked to renew their strength. They can gain encouragement, even though they're exhausted by going their own way and stumbling over stumbling blocks that the Lord sets in their way. They…
Continue reading...May 17, 2023
Passage Read: Isaiah 59-62 Meditation Verses: 59:12-13 Thought Israel's sins were many: rebellion and treachery against the Lord, turning their back on the Lord, fomenting oppression and revolt, and speaking lies their own hearts had conceived. They rebelled against the Lord and worked against Him.
Continue reading...May 18, 2023
Passage Read: Isaiah 63-66 Meditation Verse: 66:5 Thought There are those who laugh at the Lord's Word and there are those who believe it and those who fear the Lord. Both dwell together in the Lord's presence. They are brothers, but they do not all…
Continue reading...May 21, 2024
Passage Read: Song of Solomon 7 - Isaiah 2 Meditation Verses: Isaiah 2:2-3 Redemption has always been so that we might learn God's ways. When Christ reigns, all the nations will come and learn from Jesus the ways of the Lord. God's frustration in chapter…
Continue reading...May 22, 2024
Passage Read: Isaiah 3-6 Meditation Verse: 3:12 This is more true now than ever. Children are our oppressors and women rule over us. Those who guide us lead us astray and confuse the direction of our paths. Everything is twisted; they call evil good and…
Continue reading...May 23, 2024
Passage Read: Isaiah 7-10 Meditation Verses: 8:11-14 The Lord spoke to Isaiah with mighty power and told him not to walk in the ways of his own people, who cry, "Conspiracy!" in regard to everything they call conspiracy, everything they fear. But Isaiah is not…
Continue reading...May 24, 2024
Passage Read: Isaiah 11-14 Meditation Verse: 11:3 Jesus will delight in the fear of the Lord! Jesus, who is God, will delight in the fear of His Father. Jesus, who is beloved by the Father, and such love should cast out all fear, yet He…
Continue reading...May 25, 2024
Passage Read: Isaiah 15-18 Meditation Verses: 17:7-9 Sadly, it often takes extreme tragedy for men to turn back to their Maker. Not until these nations are overthrown and everything lost, and the people who survive are few in number, then they remember the Lord and…
Continue reading...May 26, 2024
Passage Read: Isaiah 19-22 Meditation Verses: 22:12-13 The Lord brought disaster near them; it was coming to consume them. So they made all the preparations they could to withstand the onslaught, but they didn't turn to the Lord, they didn't admit that this was the…
Continue reading...May 27, 2024
Passage Read: Isaiah 23-26 Meditation Verses: 26:8-11 There is a way to distinguish the righteous from the wicked. The righteous walk in the way of God's judgments and desire Him even more. The wicked, though shown favor, do not learn righteousness, but instead take advantage…
Continue reading...May 28, 2024
Passage Read: Isaiah 27-30 Meditation Verses: 29:10-14 Jerusalem has wise men, they have discerning men, but they do not speak from the Lord. The prophets and seers are no more, the Lord has ceased to speak to and through them. God's prophetic words to them…
Continue reading...May 29, 2024
Passage Read: Isaiah 31-34 Meditation Verses: 33:14-16 There are sinners and there are those who walk righteously. To the sinner, God is a consuming fire that burns continually, and they cannot endure His presence. It is because they refuse to repent and change their ways,…
Continue reading...May 30, 2024
Passage Read: Isaiah 35-38 Meditation Verses: 37:21-22 Because Hezekiah prayed to the Lord about the king of Assyria, so the Lord promised to deliver Judah from him, such that Judah could laugh at the king of Assyria and mock him. Hezekiah is the king who…
Continue reading...May 31, 2024
Passage Read: Isaiah 39-42 Meditation Verses: 42:24-25 It is a frightening thing to have eyes but not see or ears but not hear, or to be able to feel, but not know when I've been burned. There is no hope for such a person, unless…
Continue reading...June 1, 2024
Passage Read: Isaiah 43-46 Meditation Verses: 43:21-25 We were created to praise and honor the Lord, but instead we become weary of Him. He asks too much, He requires from us too much. Sacrifice and offering, obedience and submission. We want to go our own…
Continue reading...June 2, 2024
Passage Read: Isaiah 47-50 Meditation Verse: 50:10 Those who fear the Lord and obey His voice can still walk in darkness and not see light. That's when he must trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God. That's the test. Will…
Continue reading...June 3, 2024
Passage Read: Isaiah 51-54 Meditation Verse: 54:17 This verse is so much more then what is usually quoted, and the overlooked part is so much better than the oft-quoted part! No weapon formed against God's people will prosper, not for long. Every tongue that accuses…
Continue reading...June 4, 2024
Passage Read: Isaiah 55-58 Meditation Verses: 58-1-3 The Lord has a lot against Judah, even though they seek Him day by day and delight to know His ways. They believe they are a nation that does what is right and has not forsaken the Lord's…
Continue reading...June 5, 2024
Passage Read: Isaiah 59-62 Meditation Verse: 59:4 How true this is, from the least of us to the greatest. No one is completely honest. We trust in confusion and misdirection, and even speak lies. We don't sue righteously or plead honestly. We present the side…
Continue reading...June 6, 2024
Passage Read: Isaiah 63-66 Meditation Verse: 66:24 One day, we will be able to look on all those people who rejected the Lord, as they suffer torment. Their worm will not die and their fire will not be quenched. They will be visible to all…
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