May 24, 2024
Passage Read: Isaiah 11-14
Meditation Verse: 11:3
Jesus will delight in the fear of the Lord! Jesus, who is God, will delight in the fear of His Father. Jesus, who is beloved by the Father, and such love should cast out all fear, yet He will delight in the fear of the Lord. Jesus, who will choose obedience, even unto death, rather than save His own life and avoid the suffering appointed to Him. If Jesus delights in the fear of His Father, how much more should I? There is no conflict between this fear and love; in fact, this fear is the product of true love for God! It is the fear of offending God, of grieving His heart, of dishonoring Him for something so small as to save my life! It is the fear of loving anything, even my own self, more than Him.
This is the kind of love I need for God, the kind that makes all my life about Him. Love that does not result in complete humility and giving myself completely to Him and to do His will is not love at all, but just "like" or a weak gratitude or arrogant condescension. If I do not fear God as He deserves and desire to do whatever He asks without thought of myself, I do not love Him like He deserves. I need to repent of my greater love for self and comfort and reputation and everything else. He alone is worthy of all my thought and desire and attention and energy.