Micah Bemenderfer

December 30, 2024

Passage Read: Leviticus 23-26
Meditation Verses: 24:12-14


At the time of this incident, they had at least the ten commandments and had been warned against taking the name of the Lord in vain. Perhaps much more of the Law had been given at this point, but not the penalty for a blasphemer. When this man blasphemed, he was brought before Moses to find out what should be done to someone who blasphemes God. Word came back that anyone who curses God or blasphemes Him must be put to death. At that, they put him to death. There was no release with a warning because before no one knew the consequence. There was no mercy. There is no record of repentance or opportunity given to repent. The record only says that the assembly took him outside the camp and stoned him, as the Lord commanded.


That seems so abrupt and unfair, but is a command only to be obeyed and only enforceable when there is a consequence attached to it? If an activity is forbidden, whether the penalty is proclaimed or not, is it not still forbidden? Whether the man knew the penalty or not, he should have known that blaspheming the Lord was not permitted. But we want to weigh the cost against the ease or desirability of the crime. Only if the penalty is steep enough will we restrain ourselves. But that's wrong. A command needs no consequence to be enforceable. If God forbids something, I should do all I can to avoid it. I offend God and am in danger of hell if I don't care that I've offended Him. Neither can I be offended by Him if I choose to ignore His command and He brings immediate consequences into my life, even dramatic consequences. I can only hope that there is enough time and I'm tenderhearted enough to repent and seek forgiveness before the ultimate sentence is carried out.