December 28, 2024
Passage Read: Leviticus 15-18
Meditation Verse: 18:25
The wickedness of the people defiles their land, and when God punishes the land, it tries to get rid of the things that actually brought sin upon it. The land didn't sin, so why would God punish it? Because it is more tender and sensitive to the Lord than the people living on it? So the land vomits out its inhabitants, because it doesn't want to be punished by the Lord.
I don't want to be a cause for the land to be punished by God and have it turn on me too. Even more, I want to be as sensitive as the rest of creation to the will and ways of God, so that when someone defiles me by their sin, I want to get right with God as quickly as possible, I want to get rid of those things that defile me as quickly as possible. Any of these things that defile the land also defile me, so I need to keep away from them. I don't want to follow the sinful practices of unbelievers, but walk in God's commands.