December 25, 2024
Passage Read: Leviticus 3-6
Meditation Verse: 5:4
Anyone who thoughtlessly swears any oath, whether good or evil, is guilty of sin and must offer a sacrifice. It did not matter if he was aware of it or not. As soon as he is made aware, he must seek the Lord's forgiveness and offer sacrifice. That's how serious God takes our words and promises and vows and oaths. We need to be careful what we say to others. There are no harmless vows; God takes them all seriously.
I have to watch my words. If I set up an expectation in someone by anything I promise, whether in anger or in hyperbole, I'm guilty of making a false vow, of lying. Every word I speak will be held against me, so I need to make sure I mean every word and only say what I mean. Even in jest, I need to be careful.