Micah Bemenderfer

December 23, 2024

Passage Read: Exodus 35-38
Meditation Verses: 36:1-2


It seems like all the people who contributed to the tabernacle and all its equipment gave willingly and without compulsion. But the craftsmen, both named and unnamed, were summoned to the project. Did they have a choice or did they also give willingly of their time and skill? One might say that because the Lord had given them skills for such a time, they had no choice in the matter, but the Lord had also given all the people more materials than they needed for life in the wilderness, so they too were obligated to give. Yet it was only those who were willing who were expected to give, so surely only those craftsmen who were willing would be expected to give of their time and expertise. Of course, it's not like they had anything else to do!


If they loved and honored the Lord, they would be delighted to be chosen to serve Him. The Lord delights in a willing heart to serve, but Moses wasn't willing, yet the Lord wouldn't let him off. He only substituted his brother Aaron as the public spokesman. Of course, it seems Moses pretty quickly stepped up to do his own speaking. I can understand Moses' unwillingness to take on the responsibility he was chosen to do, even if he saw it as a great honor. That also made him a better choice, because he had absolutely no ambition to rule, so he would only do as the Lord commanded. There are many opportunities to volunteer in God's service, but there are also responsibilities that we're chosen for, and not all are pleasant. Whatever God asks me to do, ideally I do with a willing heart, but if not, I still need to do it. "If I serve voluntarily, I have a reward; if not, I'm simply discharging the trust committed to me."