Micah Bemenderfer

August 9, 2024

Passage Read: Mark 5-6
Meditation Verses: 6:4-6


Jesus came to His hometown and taught in the synagogue there, but because they thought they all knew Him, they were offended that He would presume to teach them, to claim to be the fulfillment of Scripture. They could not believe He had power to heal and authority from God, so He could do nothing but a few healings among them. Their lack of faith held them back from seeking healing from Him. They had heard what He had done in Capernaum and elsewhere, but they could not believe their hometown boy had miraculous powers. Even Jesus was amazed at their lack of faith.


So many times, Jesus says it is the faith of the individual that brings them healing. Not that their faith itself has intrinsic power, but their belief that Jesus is both able and willing to heal them. It is their faith in Jesus, and in God's compassion through Him. The people of Jesus's hometown couldn't accept that He had power from God; they blinded themselves, they cut themselves off from such a blessing. What about me? How little is my faith to believe that Jesus is still willing to heal and certainly able to do so. I want to believe. I don't want to hinder You from working miracles around us. Please help my unbelief.