Micah Bemenderfer

August 8, 2024

Passage Read: Mark 3-4
Meditation Verses: 4:37-40


How quick we are to question the Lord's love for us. Things go sideways, maybe even only a little, maybe we're not worried about how we'll survive, but some small thing goes awry, and we jump to, "Don't You care?" The disciples were scared, and rightly so. They weren't blowing this storm out of proportion. Several were fishermen and knew the sea. But they didn't know Jesus very well yet. Jesus wasn't destined to die at sea. When awakened, Jesus graciously calmed the storm, but He didn't have to; they wouldn't have drowned. But Jesus removed the cause of their anxiety, and they learned something about Him and His power.


Whether Jesus fixes the problems that come my way or not, I do not want to question His love or care for me. My life here may be filled with trials and difficulties, which shouldn't surprise me, but He has promised me eternity in His home, where there will never again be things that go sideways. If I put my hope in this life, then I will be disappointed and discouraged. But if I put my hope in the next, I will always have cause for hope. No matter how bad things go here on earth for me, I have no reason to doubt the Lord's love for me: He suffered and died for me so that I could live forever with Him in His perfect world and kingdom.