August 7, 2024
Passage Read: Mark 1-2
Meditation Verse: 2:15
Jesus calls Levi (Matthew) to follow Him, and Matthew throws a banquet for Him at his house. He invites his only other friends, other tax collectors. Apparently, they've all been interested in Jesus; they've all wanted to meet Him. Would Jesus allow them to follow Him? Would He allow them to learn from Him? Could they be saved? Mark records that many of the tax collectors came to the meal, and they were following Jesus! That is a significant comment! They weren't just curious; they apparently had been "following" Him from afar. They liked His teachings, though they expected everyone else to reject them. But when He called Levi, the door was opened to any and all tax collectors who wanted to believe in Him. He welcomed them publicly and they could then follow Him publicly!
This is a key detail that Mark records. The tax collectors weren't just curious. They weren't just having a party and Jesus got invited. They were having a meal with Jesus because they all wanted to meet Him because they wanted to follow Him. But would He allow that? Of course He would and did. He welcomed anyone who desired to repent and leave their fleshly ways to follow Him. Jesus ate with sinners and tax collectors, because they wanted to know Him and believe in Him. I'm not under obligation to sit and eat with people who care nothing about Jesus, but anyone who desires to know more about Jesus and how to follow Him, these people I need to welcome and fellowship with, no matter what background they come out of.