Micah Bemenderfer

August 5, 2024

Passage Read: Matthew 25-26
Meditation Verses: 26:62-64


The chief priests and elders bring in many "witnesses" who accuse Jesus of different evils, but Jesus doesn't answer a single charge. This amazes the priests and elders, because they would naturally fight any false charges against themselves. But Jesus makes no answer, because there's no need. On the one hand, the charges are false and everyone knows it. On the other hand, He has submitted Himself to the will of His Father and has no intention of arguing Himself out of condemnation. He also knows it's wasted breath in front of this crowd to defend Himself in any way. He doesn't speak until He's charged with confessing the truth about whether He is the Christ or not. At this point He answers truthfully, knowing full well they will not believe Him, and on the basis of their unbelief, they will charge Him with blasphemy and condemn Him to death. This is the only thing He needs to respond to; this is the only thing He could say that actually matters in this trial.


I feel the need to defend myself wherever I am falsely accused, because I value my life and reputation here among men too much. Jesus knows the truth and knows His Father knows the truth, and He fully entrusts Himself to the judgment of His Father. Men may accuse Him of all kinds of evil; they will do that without hesitation. They have no integrity, no inviolate sense of truth. They gladly lie and scheme and deceive to get their way. But that should not be the case with a believer. I too should entrust myself to the Father and His judgment. Only with Him can I really expect to find justice. Men are corrupt, especially those who do not submit to the Word of God, who do not fear God so as to order their ways according to His Word. I don't need to respond to a single false accusation; I only need to testify to the truth and to make sure I'm walking in submission and obedience to the Father and the Word He will use to judge me.