Micah Bemenderfer

August 20, 2024

Passage Read: Luke 11-12
Meditation Verses: 12:32-34


The Father has chosen gladly to give us the kingdom! There is a kingdom that is on offer, that is promised to those who believe and obey the Son. Because of that promise, we can live generously on the earth, doing good and helping others with our means. He just told the story of a man who's crops produced so bountifully that he could store them up and live a life of comfort and relaxation the rest of his days. He saw his gain as a blessing to himself so that he could retire and live off the produce. But that's not why he was given the abundance. That is a waste of God-given resources. God gives us abundance so that we can bless others, not so that we can spend it on ourselves and live a life of pleasure and ease. Whether we have much or a little, Jesus encourages us to share with others and give to those poorer than us, in greater need than us. In so doing, we prepare ourselves and lay up treasure for ourselves that will last for eternity. In so doing, we shift our hearts from a love of this world and self to a love of God and our fellow man.


I should be far more concerned about my heavenly "bank" account than my earthly account. I have been promised a kingdom and God is eager to give it to me, and it will be far better than anything I could enjoy on earth. To gain it, I must trust in Him and live by His ways. I must trust in Him and care more for others than for my earthly comfort and prosperity. Not "must," but delightful abandon. Because I have the promise of God's kingdom, I too can freely and generously give to others in need and live with joyful abandon here on earth. I don't need to grasp at anything in this world; I don't need to hold onto any of the things of this age. Instead I should look forward to the kingdom the Father wants to give me, and do all I can to make sure my place in that kingdom isn't merely secure, but well-appointed, a better resurrection, as mentioned in Hebrews.