Micah Bemenderfer

August 17, 2024

Passage Read: Luke 5-6
Meditation Verses: 6:32-36


Sinners, unbelievers, love those who love them back. Sinners, unbelievers, do good to those who do good to them. Sinners, unbelievers, lend to those who pay them back. Believers in Jesus are supposed to go beyond that, to love those who don't love them, to do good to those who don't return good to them, to lend to others without expecting repayment. Because even God is kind to the ungrateful. God has unlimited resources and great patience. He loses nothing by being generous even to those who return to Him nothing, not even gratitude. People may think Him foolish and easily deceived, but He's not. He just has nothing to lose. Any material loss, He can recreate. Any kindness He extends cannot be exhausted. Though there is a limit to every man's life and to the time God grants this creation. Yet God cannot in any way be diminished by generosity toward ungrateful people.


I'm supposed to have that same attitude and action. I should live like being kind to people who are not kind to me in return doesn't exhaust my supply of kindness. I should live like my possessions are unlimited, though they may be drained from time to time, yet they'll always be renewed. I should live like my things are unimportant, but to do good to others, even ungrateful people, that is most important. People may think I'm an idiot and easy to take advantage of, but what does that take away from me? What do I lose if others think I'm a pushover? I lose the ability to store up stuff on earth, but I gain so much more for eternity. I may not bring a single person to Christ by my generosity and limitless kindness, but I will gain great favor with God when I live out His character. My goal in this life should not be to make an earthly profit, but an eternal profit.