August 16, 2024
Passage Read: Luke 3-4
Meditation Verses: 4:43-44
Luke makes it clear that Jesus at least began His ministry by preaching in the local synagogues. Of course the other Gospels mention Jesus doing things in a few synagogues, but this statement by Luke suggests it wasn't occasional, but regular and deliberate. The people heard about Him and word spread, especially about the miracles, so everyone wanted to see Him, but in time He would have worn out His welcome. The synagogue leaders would start to turn against Him, even if His teachings didn't offend them all, as happened at Nazareth. It seems He didn't confine Himself to preaching only on the Sabbath and only in synagogues, unless it was the crowds, drawn by the miracles, that kept Him out of the cities and towns, out of the synagogues for lack of capacity, and contributed to Him speaking more and more outside the synagogues.
Jesus went first to those who sought to worship God, who gathered in the synagogue to learn more about God and how they should live, but in time, He seems to have done more and more of His teaching outside. Paul started his ministry in every new place in the synagogue or other gathering place of Jews, if there was one. To the Jew first, then to the Gentile. To the seekers of God first, then to the unbeliever. Today, that would be the church, any church, but how would I go in as a stranger and obtain the platform to speak? The pulpit is so closely guarded. I need to prepare a message, like John, who didn't go into the synagogues, for those who already believe and for those who newly believe. "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance," is a very good start, a message for churchgoers and unbelievers.