Micah Bemenderfer

April 23, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 91-94
Meditation Verses: 94:1-3


The wicked get away with so much. It seems their judgment is slow in coming, such that the righteous find themselves pleading with God to judge them quickly, to not delay. Because it is such a temptation to the righteous, to those who should walk in righteousness. Why trouble ourselves with what God requires when the wicked ignore him and live large in the land? But judgment will come, those who commit themselves to God understand that, so they are grateful for the Lord's discipline. They stumble, but the Lord supports them and corrects them, so that they continue in faithfulness to the Lord. In the end, they are blessed, not just in the correction, but because of their righteous and faithful lives.


There are those who are rich and powerful who sin with impunity. But the poor suffer great destruction and trouble because of their ignorance of God or deliberate rejection of Him. It's easy to look at the wealthy, those middle-income and above, and see how pleasant their lives are even if they care nothing for God. They can still gain everything they want despite their rejection of God. But the poor, they cannot gain enough money to ease the consequences of their foolish choices and behaviors. It is a good reminder that it is better to be chastened and disciplined by the Lord, with a heart of repentance, a heart to learn and change in accordance with God's Word, than it is to carry on in my sin and have the means to comfort myself in the face of rebuke, to blind myself to the need for repentance.