Micah Bemenderfer

April 20, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 79-82
Meditation Verses: 81:11-16


Two sobering thoughts from these verses: Those among God's people who don't listen to His voice to obey Him, He gives over to the stubbornness of their hearts to walk in their own devices. If they repented and listened to Him to walk in His ways, He would subdue their enemies and adversaries. But apparently, some would sort of take warning: Though they hate the Lord, they would pretend obedience to Him, perhaps like many of the Pharisees and Sadducees, but in the end, they would suffer eternal punishment. But those who repent and turn to the Lord in truth, they would enjoy the Lord's bounty. To ignore the Lord is a dangerous thing, and to pretend obedience is no help. The only thing that satisfies the Lord is true and honest obedience from a heart that desires to know the Lord's ways.


The opposite of listening to God is stubbornly insisting on my own way. That can get me given over to my own stubbornness, where God no longer speaks to me and no longer helps me. To repent but not really, to look like I'm obedient but hate the Lord's ways, that doesn't fool God; He recognizes me as an enemy and will cast me into eternal torment. The only secure path is to give up my ways and submit myself fully and truthfully to Him and His ways. I have to give up my "intelligence" and my "wisdom," stop thinking I'm smarter than God, and just trust His Word and do it. That is the kind of faith God rewards.