Micah Bemenderfer

April 2, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 7-10
Meditation Verses: 7:4-6


This is a bold request by David. He is so confident of his own righteousness and love that he asks the Lord to judge between him and his adversary. He's willing to be trampled in the dust, perhaps even killed, if he has treated his friend unfairly or even plundered those who were his enemy without cause. He is confident that he has treated friend and foe with righteousness and justice, so confident, in fact, that he knows he can call on the Lord to execute judgment on those who attack him. He knows he didn't deserve their hatred, so he calls on God to judge them for his sake. That is a confidence I would like.


The best I can muster is, "Lord, correct me in justice, not in Your anger, lest You reduce me to nothing." But also, rebuke those who are my enemies without cause, open their eyes to see what is true and right, that they would repent and become Your friends. But if there is no hope for them, then let them be far from me, so as to never trouble me again.