Micah Bemenderfer

April 16, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 63-66
Meditation Verses: 63:1-4


The Lord is glorious in His power and greatness, and He is filled with lovingkindness towards those who seek Him and love Him. He is good to us beyond measure! David longs for the Lord with every fiber of his being. He has seen the Lord in all His glory in the sanctuary, and he is in awe of the Lord's glory and might. The Lord is also so good to him; he would do anything, give up anything in order to enjoy the Lord's lovingkindness. To be in the presence of the Lord, to look on His glorious presence, there is nothing greater to David.


How can I do anything but praise Him? He does good to me and provides abundantly, while others fret over what they can afford. But it is His greatness on His throne, in His sanctuary, that compels me the most. Even if He did not take such good care of me, I would still have to praise Him. He is not worthy of praise merely because He does good to me, but because He is almighty and all-glorious, and perfect in holiness and beauty! To know the glory of His might and presence, there is nothing greater!