April 15, 2024
Passage Read: Psalm 59-62
Meditation Verses: 59:3-5
David, like Job, is suffering for no fault of his own. He's right. Perhaps some might try to make the case that David somehow sinned against Saul and incited Saul to such anger that Saul wanted to kill David. But the Scriptures tell us that it was because of Saul's jealousy, because Saul failed to serve the Lord with his whole heart, so God chose David to be king after Saul. David understood what God had in mind, that it wasn't his place to rebel against Saul and overthrow him, but to wait until the Lord removed Saul. So David here was not suffering for anything he had done, but actually because of something God had done: God had appointed him king, and God blessed everything David did, and God had sent an evil spirit on Saul to torment him. It was all God's doing, not David's. So David called on God to hurry His work, to finish what He started and so deliver him from those who now sought his life.
I may never be able to say this same thing, but God does desire that I suffer for doing right and bear up under it, rather than suffer for doing wrong. That should be true of every believer, and I should strive to attain to that. That means I need to commit myself to understanding the Lord's Word and doing everything I see in it. Like David, no matter how bad a leader may actually be, it is never my place to overthrow him, but to wait for the Lord to remove him. If he is truly bad, I may have room to plead with the Lord to remove him. I shouldn't be surprised if he chooses to fight against me, and I can call on the Lord to deliver me in order to fulfill His promise to me.