Micah Bemenderfer

April 14, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 55-58
Meditation Verses: 58:6-11


Again and again, David cries out to God for Him to act against those who hate him, who have attacked him, who plot his downfall. These are some of his most direct and descriptive pleas for vengeance. His ultimate desire is that men see it and say surely there is a reward for the righteous and a God who judges on earth. His desire is for vengeance and justice in this life. And he saw it. Saul was eventually killed, and all those with him who hated him were removed. He had victory over all foreign enemies, and even over those who rose up from his own household against him. All should have seen that the Lord favored David, honored David because he gave himself to do the Lord's will.


Lord, I too ask that You would clearly overthrow those who hate You and hate Your people, let them become powerless and fade away. Let them be overthrown completely with none to save. Let everyone see that You judge the nations and destroy the wicked. There is a day coming when all men will see Your judgment and know it is You! Speed that day. But there are people today who need to be silenced and destroyed, or brought to complete repentance. Either way, let them no longer be a stumbling block, let them no longer stand in the way of Your people, to persecute and oppress them. Remove them, one way or another, and do so dramatically, so all men will fear and know that You judge all men, great and small.