Micah Bemenderfer

April 12, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 47-50
Meditation Verses: 50:21-23


There are those who claim God's covenant as their own, but they hate discipline and they delight in those who do evil. God says nothing, and they think that means He approves of them. Instead, He sends a warning that He will tear them to pieces if they don't repent, if they continue to forget Him, if they don't give thanks to honor Him and order they ways after His. God's covenant has no value to one who ignores the ways of God and fails to honor Him by their life. God's covenant has no value to those who honor men and their wisdom above the Lord and His Word. God's silence should be a warning; it is certainly not His approval. Unless they repent, they will be destroyed.


God's Word alone is right, no matter what men say, even "believing" men. The Lord requires me to conform my life to His likeness, and if I love and honor Him, I will certainly be grateful to Him and order my way according to His desires. I must not ignore Him or forget His ways. I must not hate His discipline, and I should fear if He falls silent; it is my continual resistance to His direction that causes Him to stop speaking to me. There remains little but condemnation from the Lord at that point, unless I at last realize how precarious my situation is and repent.