Micah Bemenderfer

April 11, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 43-46
Meditation Verses: 44:17-22


The Psalmist says that all kinds of terrible things have done upon the people, yet they have not turned away from the Lord or been unfaithful to Him. Verse 22 is quoted by Paul to describe the state of believers, that we are continually being given over to death for Christ's sake, yet we cannot be separated from the love of God in Christ. For the Lord's sake and for the sake of those who have yet to believe, we are driven out of our homes and comfortable places in order to proclaim the excellencies of God to peoples who have yet to hear. It is not because we have done wrong or been unfaithful to the Lord, but perhaps because we haven't seen the need of the nations, such that we voluntarily go. Much like the persecution of the Church under Paul that scattered believers abroad, who then told of Christ wherever they went. But they encountered persecution in these new destinations, even as they led new people to Christ.


Trouble and grief and being driven from my home isn't necessarily because of my disobedience, but it may be because of my inertia. Though all the world hate me, it's not necessarily because I have been unfaithful to the Lord. On the contrary, Jesus and Paul make it clear that the world must hate me because I belong to Christ and walk in His ways. It won't hate me if I don't testify against it, if I don't warn of judgment and plead for their repentance. If I don't care enough for the lost, for all the lost, then the Lord may have to light a fire under me to get me to move out. Persecution should not be surprising; being driven out of my home should not be unexpected. On the contrary, this world, this age, is not the time or place where I should be thinking about putting down roots. Now is the time to go out, to continually be taking the gospel to new places and new people, people who have yet to hear of the Lord, His judgment and His salvation.